
Ghost name



3rd June 2015


Interactions with a stranger

Icarus is from Reddit. He had amazing definition in his forehead and jawline, I knew I'd get a great scan out of him. Being Reddit I could follow the things he was posting, he seemed like a really nice guy which made working with his image a bit harder as I didn't wanna make something that wasn't really good. Thankfully he was really happy with the result :)

Reporting on the creative process

His scan came out near perfect, the main glitch was directly down the middle of his face the model didn't line up, it was as if there was two faces on the same model. I isolated each half of his head separately & then later aligned them correctly. For the wings I used the scan of a forest floor I had taken last year, it was ambiguous enough to look "wingish" but stylish enough to look like fluid / flames. The overall texture uses this blacklight colour which causes this weird inverted look on everything.