
Ghost name

Mr Aten


20th November 2015


Interactions with a stranger

Mr Aten is from Reddit. I had him saved in my Reddit list for about 6 months, always slightly unsure if he'd be keen to do something like this. I decided what the hell, his nose and jawline are too striking to not have in this project, I had to ask. He soon replied "Seems very interesting! I'm up for it if you tell me what I need to do."

Reporting on the creative process

The model came through perfect, there was slight glitches with the nose, but was able to resolve those in Cinema 4d. I wanted this to be special & played around with making "more" throwing many digital effects at it, then removing them, then building it back up. I got to a point where I decided I don't have to make each ghost about the effects, sometimes it's ok to just capture a wonderfully glitchy portrait of someone, to have it be more honest is just as important.